Friday, April 27, 2018

Poppler tree of Guru geethaya.

                            two Poppler tree.

Still remember.
Both poppler tree top of the hillside,
Dancing and fluttering
With cold wind.
You  are growing secretly like large waves.
Today I am alone.
Not "Duisen" here to see,
 Beauty of the poppler tree.
To brook your cold wind.
Still will calling "Duisen" 
Are you remember ?
I am " Althinai".


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Assingment-01- monologue.

                      How I Teach Them....??

Many a time I seen only a dream.
I was born and I learnt an urban society
I learnt well.
I got degree, got job but was not happy to me.
I dreamed to give to knowledge for 
Rural students.
Ha ha one day ,
one moment my fortune smile with me...

As a English teacher 
I went to the rural village. 
Oh wonder!
Feasting of my eyes with beauty of the bucolic environment.
All are living lovely,
Peaceful and simple way.
I wondered, I couldn't believed.
Haha.. Haha..
Whole environment silent and  calm
When I went here like to Stanger, ha..ha..

I went to the rural school to teach English.
I like so much, 
I dreamed to give knowledge
For rural students.
I seen students like a patients
Without English knowledge.
I felt as broken my dreams.
They didn't like, not familiar,
They ran away from the English.

Oh..! So sad.
No facilities there to study.
Not familiar them an English.
Students running and running their own way.
With their familiar way.
I mostly wants to teach them.
How I teach them?
Many a time I think about it.
They are not try to fly with the modern world.
I..? As a teacher ,
Every moment give advice them.
When time pass,
Most of students clung my hand 
To fly with the modern world with knowledge.
I felt differentiate of urban and rural education.

Teacher we like to learn English.
We want to study well.
Student said to me.
My heart was exult.
One student and me,
 face to face.
Teacher you changed my life
You guidance of my life
You were lighting up my future.
She said to me.
Fulfilled , exult my heart listen it.

Still remember in the past time
When I am teaching all the students
Look like a mental person.
Ha ha..
Now? Yes now
All are studying English well.
Many a time I give to advice
Some one learn well and advance
To sum modern world.
They will  never forget me.
I proud myself
I won a my dream .
Many time I feel happy 
As a teacher I completed my duty.
Indeed you need only a dream to win life.

Assingment -04

               Sri Lanka By William Blake.

I wander lonely as a free bird
In the pearl of Indian ocean.
I wonder and a moment I forgot
My mother land.
That land like no other
Just like heaven
I felt that nevar want another.

Beautiful, wonderfuland colourful everywhere
Feasting of my eyes with beauty
Of various things.
Tha longer river Mahaweli the gushing water
In the crystal clear stream.
Like a father of other rivers.

Very special to me
The difference of everywhere
God sits on Adam's peak
Blessing to nation of Sri Lanka.

Mountains cover with beautiful flora.
Fauna living freely in jungles
Never ending valleys full of blossom.
Blue ocean is a carpet that saves the soil
As the nature hugs her beauty
I feel Sri Lanka is a paradise.


Assignment -02

                    Vedio comment.


It is a meaningful and powerful song which I have been heard. The beginning of the song is very attractive and they are get our entire attention it untill the end. When I heard this song I forget every problems and relax mind . There are beautiful fusion of different types of children's voices. They are singing perfect and attractive way. The combination between singing and music are very powerful and perfect. Threfore it gives emotional feeling to listener. And also it helps to get audience entire attention.
                               When I heard this song I feel wonderful relax in there calm and sweet sound. I was listen that song sevaral time. I like this song very much.

Assignment -03.(pencil Art)

                                 Art ( Pencil Art.)

Art is a part of human activities in creating image, symbol and visualization. Nowadays has most of kind in art. Such as, pencil art, water colour art, pastel and etc.

                             In the past period  had used various kind for the art. They were using Sculptures, cave paintings, rock paintings and etc. People in the past time, they had been art a part of their life. For example Sigiri frescoes.

                            Pencil arts have been a popular art frame and has a rich history. Because in the past time using pencil art very good way. The pencil designs include crayons, water colour and charcoal varieties which create beautiful art.

                               This is a beautiful example for pencil art . This picture drawing by University's students for University exhibition. There is a mother and little child .In this picture create mothers love kind ,caring and affection. it had drawen  powerful and very attractive .

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blue Carpet

                                   Blue carpet

Sri Lanka is a small Island
Brautiful sea is around the island,
Look like a blue carpet.
The waves of the sea,
Look like proud lady.
Beautiful sea is carpet 
That protect soil.
Blue carpet give life ,
All the sea boins.
Give coolness near the beach.
Sky and you ,
Look like a same.
Wonderful and beautiful  sea
Like a blue carpet...


You Are my love.

                        You are my love.

You are my deeply love
That never end.
My love will be,
For always and forever.
You and Me
Close  than moon and sky.
That love deeper than the sea.
All the things belongs to us
I and you.

My love and relationship 
Keep it in your deeply heart, 
Never let it free.
My deep heart full 
In your love.
You and me
In the love paradise.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sinharaja Rain Forest.🌳🌳

I visit  Sinharaja rain forest in my vacation.

This is a main rain forest situated in Sri Lanka. This forest located in Sabaragamuwa province and south province. The total area of the Sinharaja rain forest is just over 11,000 hectares. It is one of the virgin forest left in the world.

            Sinharaja rain forest is a kindom of all the fauna and flora. That forest is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka's endemic mammals, butterflies, birds, as well as many kinds of insects , reptiles and endemic flora.

            Sinharaja rain forest is a world heritage site in Sri Lanka. Therefore  it is very popular  among the touristments.

            Best starting  ponit for visits Sinharja rain forest are located in Rathnapura District. You want to visit beautiful  flora and special fauna from start point come to between Suriyakandha and Rakwana main road and stop Kadamudhuna junction and also turn right . Then you can visit beauty of the rain forest . That place create around the kind of beautiful hills and calm environment sourrounding.

  When you going above way you will meet Sinharaja hermitage with the tample. There is a most of priest . You can worship that tample for clear your mind . That Sinharaja has a long history. There are lot of tourist and other people in the specail holiday.

          Sinharajarain forest are several mountain. Such as,
                               Dotugala peak.
There are several beautiful rivers.
                                Maha Dola
                                Gin ganga.
                                Kudawa ganga and etc.

This is a very important place to living endemic and other  flora and fauna. But today  most of the people try to destiyed this forest. Such as cuting trees, hunt fauna and etc. Some people allure to used caltivate in that area.

                       Because we must be protect this forest for future . You must be protect it.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Beauty of the flowers.🌹🌸🌾

                     Beauty of the flowers.

Beauty in nature
Flowers bloom as nice
Beauty in the world.
The beauty of the flower,
 Whole the world is blooming.

Soft beautiful flowers,
Fluttering in the delicate breeze,
As the bees hum.
Gratify my eyes
With the beauty of flowers.

Silently flowers blooms,
In silence it falls away,
Silently flowers spread beauty,
Wonderful create of the nature.

Flowers are smooth and harmless.
Will naver hurt your mind.
See at the world of flowers,
They are living hapily.
Dont disturb to them.


Rose Flowers🌹🌹

                                  Rose Flowers..

In the heaven of the flower
One of the most beautiful flower
All the mind blooming 
 In her beauty.
Enchant all the bees,
In her sweet smell.

The lily is smooth like ladies.
Not thorn upon her.
Will not hurt your hand.
The rose upon her thron.
Be careful..
Will hurt your hand.

Colourful rose flower
Brighting in the world
Fluttering and dancing 
To the breeze.
As a proudly.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


                                Long Vacation.

I was very happy
A many time 
I spent with my family.
 In the vacation
After long  time.

Little by little 
Spent my vacation
I felt sad
      With happy .
So, I was enjoy 
    A lot..

After new year..

                           After new year..

Environment is very calm
Lost sound of banger.
Fruits are falling
Little by little
Very different all the surrounding.

Time by time ending
Of new year
Children are still happily 
Swing Swinging and singing
Cuckoo bird still calling.

The mother of nature 
Shining brightly 
I still remember
She was ready  for new year.
Again she is ready
 What for that ?


University Life πŸ’–πŸ‘«

University Life..

I was dreamed
      Every moment.
To select to the Campus.
       One day,
Wonderful day,
I was selected.
I entered to the University.
  My eyes feasting of environment
               With beauty.
This is a nice paradise
               I think.

After few month
  I wonder and thought 
 Not sweet food there,
Not free time than before,
A many time we were busy.

We all are very enjoy
      With each others.
I felt freedom than before.
Not family members here.
 I felt alone with
  Calm and silent
  Some moment.

Eventhough  ,
There are a paradise
My eyes and mind 
Feasting with 
 Freedom and beauty.


I visit Bopath Ella.πŸ‹

                        Bopath Ella (Bopath Falls)

Bopath falls is a most of the tourist attraction in the country. This waterfall situated in the Rathnapura district of Sri Lanka. It total height is 30 metres. We can see it has a shape very similar to the leaves of "Bo".Because it calling Bopath Ella. It is formed with Kuruganga river originated from Samanala Kanda (adam's peak.) range of mountains.

                            You can go very easy way to there. The  main road of colombo- Rathnapura road and turn left Hikgashena junction and then go small for along the road. Then you meet that waterfall . 16km has Rathnapura from Bopath Ella . This road are very beautiful and it has calm envirnment . There has Rubber , fadifield and  most of things has both side of the road. The road is very easy and has transport facility because most of the people come to visit it to get relax in their life for moment.
                         Now a days this waterfall and surrounding distorting very fast for most of people come to visit and they are not care about there protect and clean.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Colourful birds.🐀🐦πŸ₯🐣


Birlds are flying in the sky
Birlds sitting on the trees 
Birlds are in the next
Beautiful birlds are in the world
I like Birlds.

Colourful Birlds  flying
Like a spring wind.
They are singing sweetly
Feasting my ears in the morning

Early in the morning
B irlds are calling to us
They are singing songs
The calm surrounding
Wake up when singing B irlds.


Butterfly ..🌺🐝


Colourful butterfly 
Flying everywhere.
Look like a angels.
Beautiful everywhere.

Colourful rainbow 
Shyly hide
Behind the cloud
Saw beautiful buttrflies.

Wonderful and colourful 
My flowers garden.
Full of butterfly
Fly and fly quite
Every flowers.