Friday, July 20, 2018

Time with Nature.

Time with Nature..

Time like a falling waterfall,
You are very wonderful 
You are flowing....
Be quick to pass you,
Wonderful, I will grow old....

Teach you sad, happy 
The inability to receive, receipts take
The life of your life....

Through all of this, 
I passed 
Through the path of death.

Dear time,...
At the better part of the life,
Shall we stay to the
One moment?

  - Subhashi-

Lotus Flowers 🌷🌷

Lotus Flowers.

Beautiful lotus flowers,
Born in water,
Grows in water,
death in water
Blooming out of  water.
Lotus flowers stand without mud.

As a great symbol of 
better life,
Most of the poets use
Beautiful lotus flowers.
Bloom out of the darkness,
They are perfume all over.

Water surround the lotus flowers,
To erase their loneliness
To give better life to them.
They are blooming from the mud,
As a unsolid beautiful flowers.

If you see lovely at them ,
You will find true beauty of them.
the nature create beautiful 
Lotus flowers.
to attractive of all.
to do a graceful all the world.

                      - Subhashi -

Free thoughts.

Free thoughts..

A hundered thousend fold thinking..
A thousand fold asking..
Am I alone by you ? 
Are you alone by me ?

I am taking seldom,
My mobile.
Between hundred calling,
Finding you.
Where are you..?

A one moment vibrating,
My heart beating a thousand fold.
Not you...
An another message...

Can't bearing more,
Feeling aloneness.
I love...
More and more..

Every time I pay,
I remember...
You and my

Without you,
With you ,
I will individually endeavor
Love one another.



Ginger (A popular ingredient.)

Most of efficacious some things are should not wholesome to everybody at the continually. If you use unawares such things you will illness. 

Ginger is a popular ingredient in cooking . It has also been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes.

The root of the ginger plant can be consumed fresh, powdered, and in oil form. It is commonly produced in India, Indonesia and Australia. 

Important of Ginger.

  • Gingers have long been used for culinary and medicinal purpose. 
  • Possible health benefits include reducing, nausea, pain and inflammation.
  • Ginger can be used to make tea, crushed in curries and savory dishes.
  • Ginger help to increase motility through the digestive tract.
  • It could help prevent colon cancer and constipation.
  • Ginger is safes to use during pregnancy, to relive nausea.
  • During cold weather , ginger tea is good way to keep warm.
  • Ginger provides a verity of vitamins and minerals. 
  • Other possible uses include reducing cholesterol, lowering the risk of blood clotting and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.   

Natural ginger will no known effects for most people. In some however, a high intake may worsen symptoms of aid reflux. Pregnant , who has gallstones, diabetes, or a blood clotting disorder should discuss first with their doctor whether to increase their intake of ginger.

Reference - Sinhala  News paper of Rejina 