Monday, March 23, 2020

The Waiting Earth Novel's Summary

The Waiting Earth Novel


The waiting earth novel written by Punnayakante Wijenayake. This novel written in a very simple language. The story set in a rural village in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. The waiting Earth is really a long novel consisting of twenty one chapters.

Chapter Summery 

Chapter -01

In this chapter is very important part in the novel. Beginning of the story the author was highlighted about rural village in the dry zone. The first chapter, the story told by the writer. There is a man, his wife,their child and also neighbor women.

         Podisingho is the main male character and his only hope desire to own a piece of land to call his own, thriving with a plantation that someday. He could pass over to his sons as their father land. Sellohamy is the shining female character plying a very prominent role in the story. In the first chapter beginning the Podisingho predict about the weather. Then Sellohamy was a pregnant and She was whispering that the pain had started . However they had taken every care to keep the child's healthy in the womb. Three weeks before, the priest from the temple had chanted pirith specially for his sellohamy. They are living very rural area, because there was no midwife or even a vedarala to give advice. Because of neighbor women help to Sellohamy. Then sellohamy delivered her son. But it was born dead. And also the son was ugly. They were wept and wince about their child. However the dead child buried near the mango plant by the Podisingho.

        However end of the first chapter ,After three days time he would give alms to the temple priest in remembrance of his son. And also they were wish the child was now reborn in heaven with a straight and beautiful new body.

Chapter 02

In this chapter , After many years it was a good harvest again. Sellohamy always thought about Podisingho. Because she thought it was duty of her . Sellohamy trusted about 'figments'. She thought that rice box will full then she can deliver healthy baby. She always thought about her earlier son's dead, because rice box had not full that time. She was suffering about that. And also Podisingho worried about it and Sellohamy hope another baby.

        One day evening Podisingho went to the jungle path toward the well. In there, he met and seen first time that Rappiel Appu was there too with two other men. In-spite of the cold water Podisingho broke into a fine sweat. He was alone with three man. They were talking about their harvest and rice in there. When they were talking and laughing, suddenly Podisingho saw the first time a little wild mango shoot struggling to grow in a crack on the wall of the well. He ran fast through the jungle and came back to his hut. When he came to the hut, he was assure his wife again pregnant . Then they went to meet Kattadiya. And they are hopping healthy child again.

Chapter 03

This time Sellohamy delivered a daughter. But, Podisingho didn't likes to the daughter. But Sellohamy done her duties well. After born their daughter Sellohamy did not help to Podisingho and his harvest. Then Podisingho's mind grew anger about Sellohamy. But, in new year period podisingho loved his daughter. One day evening Podisingho after finished his work and when  come to his hut Sellohamy was preparing sweet meat for new year in the kitchen. However Podisingho when entering in the hut he firstly looked his little daughter. She smile happily with him. After Podisingho's mind changed and he started love to his daughter.

         Kathirinahamy always told different stories about baby's future. Then Sellohamy afraid about it and Podisingho made her mind . Then they went to take a new cloth for new year. Podisingho took new yellow color cloth piece for his daughter. Then they were very happy and ready for the new year. That the new year should be observed with care and all the rites and rituals performed in their correct order, for there was happiness even if he had no son. They waiting for till the approached fresh new year. They are in the last day of old year and they are sat doing nothing. During the new year day Rappiel Appu and Kathirinahamy came to the hut as a good neighbors. After this little family was living happy.

Chapter  04

This child's name Isabella Hamy. She was 18 months ago Podisingho  bought gold earring and then it wearing his daughter. From the moment she took her first step and her first mouthful of rice. Podisingho built a friendship with Mudalali . Because before  he was a angry with Mudalai for the some problems. Podisingho went to work with his little daughter. Carohamy always hated to Sellohamy for some reason. Mudalali brings a wedding proposal to Isabella. That son was a Mudalali's sister's son. Mudalali said that Isabella will come marriage age then she can marry him. But this time, Podisingho did not agree with him. He said that he want to ask from Sellohamy about this proposal . After Podisingho agree with Mudalali . Then Podisingho tried to collect money for Isabella's dowry. He went to sell vegetable for earn money. But he didn't done it well. Podisingho always tried to erase the poverty of his hut. He could not sold his vegetable and he was told lies to Sellohamy . She didn't like it and she said that can tell truth , because she always trust him. Sellohamy was a good wife. So she respect and trust her husband . Podisingho always hard worker to earn more. He hoped to earned and saved the better for buy his own land.

Chapter 05

Sellohamy delivered two sons. Both were to-wince. Podisingho worried about his children's future. Then he tried to earn more money and a lands  . Rappiel appu encouraged to Podisingho for get tree acres of land from city man. The priest checked horoscopes and youngster's sing a very dangerous. So, priest said that he can protect younger one. 
        This village hasn't school . Then Sellohamy said that Isabella can't go to school alone and girl should not  go to the school. That time women and girls must learn to do the work of only kitchen . Because their's kingdom was their's family. After Podisingho loved his sons. Then he hided his son's destine in his family.

Chapter 06

After thirty days, priest give the name for two babies of Podisingho. Elder son's name was Upasena and younger son was Piyasena. Podisingho always dreamed about the new land and he is a heard worker. Also he wanted to help his wife to her work, but he has not enough time to it. Sellohamy also angry with herself. Because she has lot of home works, like caring and feeding their children and other works as a good house manager. 
        In that time the new teacher came to this village. Then Podisingho again dreamed about the new school. But in this village untill had not started school, because headmaster already didn't like it.

Chapter 07

The village is very rural and also there are not educated person. Because easily there people cheating and become fools. Podisingho is one of the uneducated man in this village. because he had not knowledge about the value of education. But he always try to give education knowledge to his children as a good father. New school opened  in this village and after five months Podisingho open the door in school too his children. Then Podisingho was happy about his children' talents and skills in educational works.

        Sellohamy was very busiest character in this novel. Podisingho helped to school and his children education. However he is very happy about himself in this chapter.

Chapter 08 

Podisingho's two son going to school and he searching about his two sons' school works. Two sons also explained the things of learnt at school. Podisingho also try to learn some letters and numbers. But he can not keep them in his memory for long time. because he was old man. But he was happy about his children' talent.

       Isabella didn't go to school because her mother, Sellohamy believed all the women want not to educational knowledge at school and they only wants to household works as a women. But Isabella always crying to go to school with her brothers. However Podisingho decided to give the chance to Isabella to go to the school. But Podisingho didn't like to when she go alone to school. So, he carrying to the school everyday. Isabella became a very clever student in the class. Also she clever than her brothers.
       However Sellohamy didn't happy mood about Isabella. Because Isabella didn't help her mother's work and she give to whole attention about her education works.Then Sellohamy got fear about her daughter's future life as a women.
       harvest period Podisingho and Rappiel Appu build close relation with each other. One day both are in the faddy filed and talking about a divide the land. Before divide the land they should be inform the agent with the signature form of all villagers. But any villagers didn't sign it.
    Isabella going to class every day. One day she wore a frock given by the Carohamy. Then Podisingho got angry and cut down the frock by him. After he decided  to buy new frock for the Isabella.
     Even though Podisingho worked in Mudalali's tea shop at this chapter he had not close relationship with Mudalali. Because of the reason Podisingho didn't go to the tea shop to work. Then he growing the vegetable in the garden. 

Chapter 09

This chapter going around another new year. Carohamy and Podisingho had not close relationship. Also Podisingho and Rappial Appu are very close relationship with each others.

       One day Podisingho went to school to meet  the teacher. When both are talking, Isabella came to hear. That time teacher talked about the talent of Isabella. the Podisingho was happy. Also Isabella sat down next to the teacher. But Podisingho confused it , because he is a her teacher. Teacher also loved to Isabella's character.
       Isabella didn't help to her mother to household work and she don't know any things about the household works. Then Sellohamy got fear about the daughter's future life. But Podisingho always think positively about the Isabella.
       Piyasena was a week student at the school works. Also he was a disobedient child and not care about the family. He loved Rappiel Appu than his father. Because Podisingho worried about Piyasena's behavior and habits.
      At the end of the chapter, they were slept well. Podisingho shown the night mare. Then Podisingho thinks it would warning for the future trouble and problems.

Chapter 10

Earlier chapter Podisingho shown night mare and he think would warning for future troubles. Then this chapter incident of nervously. Unfortunately Upasena was illness. Sellohamy was fear about it. Because they go to meet Kattadiya. After few days Kattadiya came to the house. Then he rubbed charmed oil on boy's head and on the lobe and around the his throat. But again he was ill. 

Chapter 11  

Sellohamy woke up early and she was look at her daughter. Then Sellohamy was shook and awaking the daughter. Because now   she wants to get rest. Then sellohamy said that to Isabella "don't go to school today. but she didn't heard the advice and ready for go to the school as stubborn girl. That time Sellohamy panic and closed the door. Because Isabella was a big girl. Sellohamy always gave the advice to the girl, but didn't asked anything.

       Kathirinahamy came to the Sellohamy hart and seen the Isabella Hamy behind the curtain. Then she gave the advice to Isabella about her future and how to protect her chastity. Also Carohamy gave some advice to her.
      After seven days Sellohamy went to meet the priest to get better time to bath Isabella. Then she was bathing by the dhobi- women. After bath Podisingho gave ring to her and Sellohamy gave golden earring. Dhobi women gave the bangles.
      Now Isabella was women and not found the permission to go out alone from the family. The parent always thinking about Isabella's future. But she didn't accept advice. Other thing, in this chapter, Isabella met the new character, Baby Nona.

Chapter 12   

Two family left from the village and that two land had free. One day Podisingho family went to journey on the cart. their' son was very happy about the journey. Podisingho was very stone and fixed character. But Rappiel Appu gave the wrong and  negative idea, then Podisingho fall down of his goals.

        However Podisingho was work hard and his two son didn't help to his works. Sellohamy was good wife and didn't talk gossip like other  some women in the novel.
        Rappiel Appu was a very cunning person, but  Mudalali silent person than Rappiel Appu. One day Podisingho when sweeping the Mudalali's compound, he was felt sick. Because he was moan raving with the devil within him. Then Sellohamy was fear and thinking. She went and was bring Kattadiya to their hut. Then Podisingho ill turned well.
        While Rappiel Appu told the gossip and negative things about Podisingho to the Mudalali. After got well, Podisingho went to the tea shop for the work.But Mudalali's mood had change. Because of Rappiel Appu's gossip.

Chapter 13 

In this chapter, Podisingho's behaviors like evil. Because of Rappiel Appu's bad works. Sellohamy faced mental struggle because Podisingho and her elder son's behavior like evil.

     Sellohamy believed Carohamy was only women trusted with her secret plan. Sellohamy said her all the secret plan with Carohamy and she listened them greedy.
     Mudalali is a good man and he helped to Sellohamy. one day he told to her to go with Carohamy to meet the fortune teller. After bring the fortune teller, Podisingho got well little by little. In the Podisingho illnes period, Mudalali help to Sellohamy to earn money.

Chapter 14 
Podisingho's mind build a doubt about Sellohamy and Mudalali relationship.  Then he blamed to Sellohamy. Carohamy slapt his cheek. Sellohamy suffering from economic problems and Isabella  also worry about that. But Isabella didn't care about her family. Because the teacher is her only world. Piyasena also didn't care about the family. But Upasena understood the situation and help for the family.

Chapter 15

Rappiel Appu always hate to the Podisingho's family and give the negative advice to destroy the family. But he was the trusted friend of Podisingho. Podisingho collected some money as secretly for the new land. Then he gave all collected money to the Rappiel Appu to keep as protected.

     Isabella likes to teacher and forget all the classmates. Then all are hate to the Isabella. Then she decided to never go to school. Podi Mahaththaya wrote the poem to Isabella to tell his love about her.

Chapter 16 

Villagers told many stories about the Isabella. But Podisingho trusted Isabella. Isabella also participated extra lesson at the school. but podisingho are the outside near the class. Carohamy wanted to help Sellohamy and Isabella.

       These time is a harvesting period and the teacher came to help to the farmers. It help to develop his love with Isabella. Rappiel Appu try to success of his aim.

Chapter 17  

Isabella worried about herself, because she thought teacher loved her than Baby Nona. Rappiel Appu wanted to bring Piyasena for three days to send his goods to the city. But Podisingho agree to it.

   Isabella always think about the teacher and she blinded of his love. Sellohamy worried about her daughter. Rappiel Appu know about Isabella and teacher's  love. But he didn't told to Podisingho.

Chapter 18  

Sellohamy didn't care about her father. Teacher also didn't likes to Podisingho works. Rappiel Appu cheated to POdisingho to do the his works. Podisingho jealous about the close relationship with Rappiel Appu  and his son . One day Sellohamy found the more gift in the box given by someone to the girl.

Chapter 19

Isabella had not any friend. She fought with her mother. Because Isabella didn't likes to marriage Mudalali's nephew. Because noe she can't do it. Now she was pregnant from the teacher. He was afraid. Teacher got advice from Rappial Appu. Teacher try to destroyed the baby.

Chapter 20  

This chapter begin with a conversation between Isabella and Rappiel Appu. Because Rappial Appu gave a letter to the Isabella. There are more information about the teacher. According to letter the teacher transferred suddenly to his village area. Also he had no inform to his pupil's of his sudden departure. Also that teacher was already married and have two children in his village. After read the letter Isabella didn't go home in soon and last evening she went to home with the latter. After read the letter Isabella worried a lot and dreaming about love. Then she thrown the latter into the fire.

       Isabella went out the hut secretly. But again she didn't came back. Then all the family members searching he everywhere. Isabella worried and fed up with her life. Finally she had committed  suicide by jumped the well. Finally Upasena founded his sister's dead body from the well.

Chapter 21

They buried her and ashes in the soil beneath the same mango tree where her elder brother lay. Podisigho was blaming himself for Isabella Hamy's death. Sellohamy thought the reason to the Isabella's death is the evil eye had fallen on her and destroyed her. Podisingho want to know what happen to his daughter. So he went to Juwani's home. Then Podisingho knew Rappial Appu's aim and he changed his mind. Then he understood Rappial Appu was not good man to him. Upasena wanted to buy a new land and Podisingho encouraged him. Finally Podisingho and Sellohamy understood their false and they began new life.
Created By
H. C. Subhashini.

( This is my first summery collection. Because there will be some grammatical mistake. And I also would like to ask all the reader of my summery, If there are some grammatical error ,sorry for that. I think this chapter summery will help to this novel reader to get simple idea about the novel.  Finally I asking you to keep your comments about this summery. It will help to encourage me to write more. )