Saturday, June 23, 2018

Lasbian Love.

Lasbian Love.

Love is a thirst,
Whole the world finds and feels.
Lasbian love is a kind of love.
When they are calling of lesbian love,
Behold ,
 More people look askance.

Lesbian is their choice
And their doom.
Don't marginalize they are.

They are like to homosexuality.
They are finding homosexual.
Living together with 
they are happily

It was a choice,
It was a happy and
their life style 
But ,
One dangerous thing,
Not increase their nation never.
All the happiness are there.
Lesbian dreams are there.

The nature created 
As  a part of  the 
Nature of mother..!! 

                                     - Subhashi-

Unexpected Flood.

Unexpected Flood.

Since the few days ,
Raining and raining from time to time.
We  are at home,
Can not do nothing.
We are waiting till the stop rain.

Little by little rain was growing.
We prayed to God,
To protect us through the disasters.

Brown water was rushing, 
Our area.
Everywhere was fall under bit by bit.
Flood was creeping in to the house.
We were keeping up on a beam,
In the whole night.

We seen our goods sink
Little by little.
We were praying God,
Save only our lives.

Unexpectedly at last,
Our house was swallowed by the flood.
Only our life had saved,
By the nature.

                             - Subhashi -



Friday, June 8, 2018

Withered Flower.

Withered Flower. !

A Jasmine flower bud  fall down,
 before the bloom .
Loneliness everywhere !
Dark sky without moon,
Dark clouds full of tears,
All are sad.
For a withered  flower.

Today not heard ,
little baby's sweet voice.
not honest smile.
Baby's slept forever. !
loneliness in the hut and surround.

Ah ! Nature too sad.
nature different than other days.
On the trees,
some fruits have saved for little baby.
its not eat by birds.
its are baby and they are save for him.

                                        - Subhashi-

Article About Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya.

Sri Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya.

Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya located in the Sabaragamuwa province and at Rathnapura district. Sri Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya belonging to the Pallebedda village and situated of Rathnapura - Hambanthota main road. It is a four our journey from Colombo through Rathnapura.

Sankapala Raja Maha Viharaya stands majestically on a rocky mountain and it's building created as very wonderful. Because used larger rock for that. There are most of places to visit all the visitors. Such as, the ruins of buildings, A Bo tree, A Dagaba , and cave etc.

  Historical Side

Folklore has it that Pussa deva a warrior of king Dutu Gemunu resided here. This  conformed by the fact that Pussa Deva's name has been mentioned in the rock inscriptions. Today you can see his tomb on the large rock . Recently observation of the excavation conducted by the archaeological department regarding Sri Sankapala Rajamaha Viharaya and its surroundings.

The important thing of this Viharaya , its findings the 14 caves. Scattered round the Raja Maha Viharaya.

 Cave No. 1 and 2 has inside the rock cave a small enclosure has been built with a wall and clad with tiles. 
The cave No. 3 is no scriptures. This cave occupies a Devalaya devoted to God Katharagama. 

The cave No.4 is very important cave located in the Viharaya. Inside of this cave is the load Buddha's image house ( Budu Madura ). This cave has been transformed into two caves form where the rock has been cleft. Inside the image house is a reclining Buddha statue .

Cave No. 6,7,8,9,10 is no inscriptions have been founded. 

Cave No.11, The tombstone of the warrior Pussa Deva can be seen at the bottom of the rock. This cave is situated facing the western side of the tomb and other three caves are no visible signs of inscriptions.


Traveling about 5m from Sri Sankapala RajaMaha Viaharaya towards Pallebedda one would come across on that rock where ruins are present. Here lie the ruins of a small Dagaba.

Reference - 

Longer Night.

Longer night.

Night longer than too before
Without your sweet voice.
I am desperatley waiting,
For it to turn into day.

Loneliness I search welkin.
Full moon smile with me.
Stars light and bright everywhere
All are happy in the sky
I am alone and waiting for you.
Today a beautiful night,
Sky friendly with me.
Without your complementary.

                       - Subhashi -

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Unexpected happiness.

Unexpected happiness.

It comes on unexpectedly, that change our lives.
Always not comes happiness to hug our mind.
And goes beyond,
happiness like sea waves,
will be smooth.
sometime may be carry our happiness.

Happiness is an unexpected hug.
An unexpected  present.
Happiness is a natural fruit,
given by god, 
to understand reality of life.

                 - Subhashi-