Sunday, May 20, 2018

Melancholy Song of Flora.

Melancholy  Song Of Flora

We lived freely in the past
Share shelter with all.
We are feeding all of you, 
supplying everything.
We have deeply pain 
about your cruel help and duty.

 The sun directly looks at us
You cut and destroy us,
We are too feeling pain
But not angry with you.

Always, we try to help you,
We like to give our hands,
to stand your life.
I know without us you can't live.

Someone is sitting in the shade
Someone planted us a long time ago.
Do you know?
A tree without blossoms or fruit.
You cut us, but don't cut down 
In the winter time.....


After exam..

After exam.

I am relax and freely,
 exam had ended.
I want freedom in my heart,
 my body, my mind and soul.
Now all completed.
Not relax my deeply heart.
I wait until come result,
As I wait patiently.
Help me, lord to be able to
Pass the exam.

My Hero.🌺

My Hero.

You took my hand
When I was childhood 
You caught me when I fall
You're the real hero in my life.

Every time I think of you,
My heart full of your love
In happy and in sorrow
I know you are with me,
And, make my life better way.
You devoted your happiness
For my life.
You are the real hero in my life.

The Waiting Earth Novel (part -2)

Summery Chapter -02

In this chapter , after many years it was a good harvest again. Sellohamy always thought about Podisingho. Because she thought it was duty of her . Sellohamy trusted about 'figments'. She thought that rice box will full then she can deliver healthy baby. She always thought about her earlier son dead because rice box had not full. She was suffering about that. And also Podisingho worried about it and Sellohamy hope another baby.

                        One day evening Podisingho went to the jungle path to the well. There he met and seen first time that Rappiel Appu was there too with two other men. In-spite of the cold water Podisingho broke into a fine sweat. He was alone with three man. There they were talking about their harvest and rice. When they were talking and laughing, suddenly Podisingho saw the first time a little wild mango shoot struggling to grow in a crack on the wall of the well. He ran fast through the jungle and came back to the his hut. When he came to hut he was assure his wife again pregnant . Then they went to meet Kattadiya. And they are hopping healthy child again.

Chapter -03

This time Sellohamy delivered a daughter. But, Podisingho didn't like to the daughter. But Sellohamy done her duties well. After born their daughter Sellohamy did not help to Podisingho and his harvest. Then Podisingho 's mind grew anger about Sellohamy .  But in new year period podisingho loved his daughter. One day evening Podisingho after finished his work and when  come to his hut Sellohamy was preparing sweet meat for new year in the kitchen. However Podisingho when entered in the hut he firstly looked his little daughter. She smile happily with him. After Podisingho mind changed and he started love to his daughter.

               Kathirinahamy always told different stories about baby's future. Then Sellohamy afraid about it and Podisingho made her mind . Then they went to take a new cloth for new year. Podisingho took new yellow color cloth piece for his daughter. Then they were very happy and ready for new year. That the new year should be observed with care and all the rites and rituals performed in their correct order, for there was happiness even if he had no son. They waiting for till the approached fresh new year. They are in the last day of old year and they are sat doing nothing. During the new year day Rappiel Appu and Kathirinahamy came to the hut as a good neighbors. After this little family was living happy.

Chapter - 04

This child's name Isabella Hamy. She was 18 months ago Podisingho  bought gold earring and then it wearing his daughter. From the moment she took her first step and her first mouthful of rice. Podisingho built a friendship with Mudalali . Because before  he was a angry with Mudalai for the some problems. The Podisingho went to work with little daughter. Carohamy always hated to Sellohamy for some reason. Mudalali brings a wedding proposal to Isabella. That son was a Mudalali's sister's son. Mudalali said that Isabella will come marriage age then she can marry him. But this time, Podisingho did not agree with him. He said that he want to ask from Sellohamy about this proposal . After Podisingho agree with Mudalali . Then Podisingho tried to collect money for Isabella's dowry. He went to sell vegetable for earn money. But he didn't done it well. Podisingho always tried to erase the poverty of his hut. He could not sold his vegetable and he was told lies to Sellohamy . She didn't like it and she said that can tell truth , because I always trust you. Sellohamy was good wife. So she respect and trust her husband . Podisingho always harder worker , to earn more. He hoped to earned and saved the better for buy his own land.

Chater -05

Sellohamy delivered two sons. Both were to-wince. Podisingho worried about his children's future. Then he tried to earn money and lands  . Rappiel appu encouraged to Podisingho for get tree acres of land from city man. The priest checked horoscopes and youngster's sing a very dangerous. So,priest said that he can protect younger one. This village hasn't school . Then Sellohamy said that Isabella can't go to school alone and girl doesn't work to go to school. That time women and girls must do the work only kitchen . Because their's kingdom was their's family. After Podisingho loved his sons. Then he hided his son's destine in his family.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Father's love.

Father's love.

I dream a world where man
No another man like you.
Who gives truth love,
You are most ordinary man
Sharing love as a hero.
And singers of song.

No care is greater than
Dad's care,
No love is deeply than
Dad's love.
You are wonderful person.
You are hero in my life.

The Waiting Earth Novel Summery (part 1)


The waiting earth novel written by Punnayakante Wijenayake. This novel written in a very simple language. The story set in a rural village in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. The waiting Earth is really a long novel consisting of twenty one chapters.

Summery,  Chapter - 1.

In this chapter is very important part in this novel. Beginning of the story the author was highlighted about rural village in the dry zone. The first chapter, the story told by the writer. There is man and his wife and their child and also neighbor women.

                 Podisingho is the main male character and his only hope desire to own a piece of land to call his own, thriving with a plantation that someday. He could pass over to his sons as their father land. Sellohamy is the shining female character plying a very prominent role in the story. In the first chapter beginning the Podisingho predict about the weather. Then Sellohamy was a pregnant and She was whispering that the pain had started . However they had taken every care to keep the child healthy in the womb. Three weeks before, the priest from the temple had chanted pirith specially for his sellohamy. They are living very rural area because there was no midwife or even a vedarala to give advice . Because of neighbor women help to Sellohamy. Then sellohamy delivery their son. But it was born dead. And also the son was ugly. They were wept and wince about their child. However the dead child buried near the mango plant by the Podisingho.

                        However end of the first chapter ,in three days time he would give alms to the temple priest in remembrance of his son. And also they were wish the child was now reborn in heaven with a straight and beautiful new body.

( you can find other chapter's summary, if you search my blogs. Also I hope your comments to improve my creation. )

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Amazing world.

Amazing world .

Beautiful place among  all around the world,
I have select that place and I am here,
Wonderful forest with beautiful view,
Greenery all around me.

Blue sky above me
It covered by beautiful flora,
Blossom flowers are often smiling,
Birds often calling to me.

Clear water flowing among the hills
Without any fear..,
Small waterfalls have a sweet voice,
My ears full of sweet voice.
Feasting of my eyes with beautiful view.

Alone from this,
This is a another paradise and
The amazing world with calm and freedom,
To visit it is a wonderful sight.

Fauna running there and here,
They are living with freedom,
How cute they are all together.
I wish to Sinharaja forest to exist forever.!


Sunday, May 6, 2018

I miss you 💔


                                                                               I miss you.

You had been god in my world till a recently
A many time I was happy with you.
                                     My life is spend talking ,                                            
 Open and honest and free with you.
Today I miss my all happiness
Sadness came and hug me. 
                     I miss you...

I miss the happy feelings and hopes.
Now, how I come to connect with you?
You not believe anything..
                   I miss you...

I miss  the world by you made up.
Now I waste my life as useless.
Listen my heartbeat , 
again listen..
                I miss you...

I miss like every moment of
Every day without you.
I will cry until you come.
                I miss you...

   -Subhashi -

still hoping to see you..

Still hoping to see you..

Full of alone in my empty world ,
Waiting  to see you very soon.

Spends my life without significant,
Sadness I feel everyday more.

I am waiting till you call me ,
Always search my mobile.

 actually, I want to see you again ,
But, what can I do?

Your memory breaks my heart,
It makes a sorrowful world.
In your distant makes me sick.

Now, I don't know where you are?
You not communicate with me.

Still hoping ,
 to see you and talk  with you.
One day I will come to meet you. 
May be tomorrow or as soon as....

                        -subhashi -

Help me to make mind

Help me to make mind..

You know, I loved you deeply
you made so much pain
In my heart.
I can't find true happiness again
Without you.
I want not another happiness than you.
I can't leave of your memories.
Always my mind fly with your memory.
I don't know, How I strong?
Help me to make mind.
A many time I am  crying alone.
Only a moment come and give
 your shoulder to cry on....


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

summer season.


Look at ,
Clear and blue sky
Not clouds today.
The sun shine and glowing alone.
Very hottest all around.

At the summer solstice,
Longest days.
Shortest nights.
Sun directly see at the earth,
A long time in the day.

Environment is warming and dry.
Dryness hugs beautiful flora.
Not emerald in there ,
Leaves falling one by one.
Flora waiting for the rain,
Sadness and calm everywhere.
