Thursday, February 22, 2018

beauty of nature

Beauty of nature..

  the nature create paradise
In the world 
Behold the mother of nature
She is bright as stars.

Nature is not a place
Nature is a golden mother
Through her deeply love
My heart feasting.

Behold trees,behold rivers
Behold the sky, behlod the natural world
They are her own children
We are only dependent in them.

The sun alight slowly by slowly
Darkness secratly conoodle her
Seen the moon light 
She is blushing.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My teacher..

            My teacher

I toddle in the school

Among the dark shadow
I met a god
That is my best teacher

I started study in school

I felt it's so far away
But in your
Encouragement and guidance
I felt very easy for 
Future's challenges.

You are not only my teacher

You are the, guidance of my life
Philosopher of my dreams
Many a time you like a mother.

You are the real teacher

I met in my life
My lips can not speak about you
My heart always tell 
You are the god in my life.

You create image of my world

You light up my life as a full moon
Enough only your kindly smile
To awake my mind as blooming flower.

                     Moon (haiku)

Wait I will  come
I will come with wind
Touch and kis you.

Clearful night 
The full moon and me
Laughing face to face.

On a pond at night
Moon danced across the water
Untill I will come.

If I feel alone 
Every moment I will come as a wind
Dont give to block my way to dark clouds.


🌹🌹 Subhashini .

Sunday, February 18, 2018



  On a pond at night
Moon danced across the water
Untill the sun smile.
A peaceful evining
   The sun alight and calling
To the moon for smile in the sky.